Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Spring is coming. . .

For those of us garden veggie addicts spring can never come soon enough. i, in particular, have discovered that i am really affected by the light. So winter represents a dull time - no garden, 'shorter' days, less lights. But i am not alone! Even our feathered friends get a little depressed by the lack of light. . .

Chickens are very light sensitive. There are some breeds that have been bred over time to be hearty and lay eggs right through the coldest, darkest months, but many take the lack of light cue by shuttin' off the egg production. Our Americana's fall into that category. But the trade off is that because of their moodiness, they also become the heralds of brighter days!!!!

Today much more reliably than any silly hole dwelling mammal, our little feather friends told us that the light is coming back. . .

For those of you white egg eating eating, uninitiated folks, Americana's lay green and blue eggs - and yes. . . that is a blue egg. . . the first in months.