Sunday, January 11, 2009

The sky is falling.

The church met in Lisbon Falls yesterday which is a good hall for our family. They boys went to stay at Wah-Wah's house and Addy, Mumma and i made the hour + long trek to eat food, share thoughts, and pray together.

i know that the trip is long and as for gas consumption not the most ideal, but the trip along I-295 is fabulous at night with a perigee moon. This has been a fabulous season of astronomical events. In the summer sitting with Kurtz' and Chuck watching the tale end of a meteor shower with were blessed to see an iridium flare (or satellite flare).
(Thanks to Wikipedia and the photographer - whose name i don't know - for the thirty second exposure of this iridium flare. . . please don't sue me - i am poor)

Now in less than a month we have been able to witness two perigee moons.(Thanks to NASA for this photo of an Apogee and Perigee moon - please don't sue me or crash a satellite into my house!)

Perigee moon is when the moon is at it's closest point to earth making it appear much larger and brighter than normal. Before the snow storm started (just after midnight) we were able to read the newspaper outside (in part thanks to the reflective properties of the snow) at night!
What made this particular perigee full moon extra cool was an almost unnoticeable event that we caught quite by accident. After our meeting in Topsham we had a bit of shopping that needed doing. In walking out of one store we stopped to admire the moon. In doing so i was able to observe a satellite cross the face of the moon.
It was odd, normal a small reflective light crossing the sky, when it came across the moon it was an almost imperceptible black spec. It was really, unremarkable in truth, but when we realized what we had seen it was really cool!!!!
Anyone else out there notice the moon?? How about any other strange astronomical events??
i think everyone should spend a little more time staring in wonder at the cosmos!!

1 comment:

renee @ FIMBY said...

cool I learned something! Brienne and I noticed how bright the moon was a couple nights ago