Sunday, March 8, 2009

A few new blogs to check out. . .

It has been an exciting week in the blogging world (i may be tooting my own horn a little bit here). . .

Three new blogs have been born - they are all in the side bar over there. No, not there! Over there ------>
They might be worth your time, or they might not be. . .

1) Life is Dirty, Dig in!!
A blog by the single most amazing women on the planet! (Which is different than "the craftiest woman alive" - fear not Laura, your title is still secure!!)

2) Tap the Rock
Inspirational thoughts and interpretations by an inspirational guy. Ah Kong is insightful, and possibly one of the most sincere and humble guys i know.

3) The Pearson's Town Farm Project
Woohoo!! Mixing work and pleasure. This is the job on the blog, and the blog on the job! It will be following the upstart of an internship farming project at Saint Joseph's College in Maine. This Blog might be short lived if I.T. and Marketing get together and start us our own site on the school's website. . . but for now we will suck up all the publicity, here or there, that we can get!

Happy reading gang!

(i am headed to the store today to look at new camera's and rechargeable batteries for the old one - pictures will return soon).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Phew! I'm glad my title is safe. ;) Off to check out your farm-ish blog...