Saturday, March 7, 2009

0855 and its 53 degrees out. . .

Spring is coming. There is still a tremendous amount of snow on the ground, and its still a bit cold to open all the windows, but what an improvement!!

The smell of skunk is in the air this morning. Our woodland friends are waking up, and you can bet they are hungry. If your smart you will keep the poultry secure at night. Where there are skunks you can bet that the raccoons and foxes are close behind.

This morning officially marks the "one more week" status at work. i can honestly say that i am starting to miss it already. The farm project (officially known as The Pearson's Town Farm Project - a blog is coming soon to an Internet near you) is making great head way. We have marketing working on some really cool pamphlets and the summer and autumn curriculum are really starting to take shape. We have come to the realization that we need more land already. Perhaps we are starting to bite off a bit more than we can really chew, but we can't have interns having it too easy this summer!!!!

Amy (my loving and wonderful wife) has officially started a blog!! Very cool stuff. Check her out at So much for wanting to be Amish. . . there is even the rumor of a cell phone. . . sheeeeeeesh.

Well. . . i could spend all day inside, but that would just be wrong!! Winter ain't over yet, so we gotta savor these days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amy e-mailed the info for your blog and I'm hooked. I have a book for you to read about sacrifice for the greater good vs self-reliance, one of the themes of the book. Brita and I are contradancing this weekend in North Yarmouth. Are you and your brood available Saturday night?