Monday, October 20, 2008

It's alive!!!!

OK, it's not alive, but IT IS DONE!!!!!!

All most two months to the day that we undertook this silly project we have finally completed it. . . and just in the nick of time. The roof has been water tight, and likely snow tight for two months, but it was never finished. With much thanks to the Kurtz, the Breards, the Bevins, the Mcleods, the Hogans (of course), the Morelands, and Chuck (the wonder engineer!) we were able to get the roof up on that first weekend. Alas, Mr. roof delivery guy forgt to give us twelve feet of flashing. A month later he delivered us a replacement ten feet. . . oops! Then Last Friday an extra ten foot section of rake edge came. Oh the joy! (Not to steal an expression from some old explorers).
Amy, Chris and i got up, did some tweaking, some installing, and some caulking (please cure, please cure, please cure, please cure!!!) And all of this as the temperatures have suddenly dumped, and snow is forcast for Wednesday morning.

So now i move into two plus weeks of vacation with one major project off of the books. God be praised. Autumn is here and now i feel like i can finally sit back and enjoy it.

The Big Five are just two weeks away from meeting their "processor" so to speak. That will be another huge relief. We are currently going through just over 150 pounds of food a week between the chickens and the turkeys. When the Hogans move they will take twelve of the birds, but the bulk of the food is being eaten by the Big Five. So it won't completely eliminate the need for feed, but it will help quite a bit. One of the major upsides is that all of that feed going out will finally be coming back in. Though i confess it has long been a goal of mine to raise a turkey that was forty pounds dressed weight, i don't believe i have done it yet. Our current record is 38 pounds. We will see if we can at least match that. The other turkeys (those that we aren't using to start our own flock should be ready to go by Christmas).

That's all for now. . . off to bed. Hurray!!!

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