Sunday, May 4, 2008

Goin' south

One of my favorite times of the year happens twice. . . at totally different times of the year. It is our spring trip to Bellvale just days away. We will get to see Georg and Maida and Daniel, and Clem and Sara and Richard and Caroline and the Mercers, and the whole gang!! It is always a great and refreshing time. This year it will be extra special because this year we are not going as a family, but as a community! The Hogans will be joining us and that is to me going to be one of the best parts!

Alas it never fails. . . our trip always comes just after we have planted the starts and started the new spring chicks. Only now, to compound things we have an extra dog in the house, and our usual "babysitter" is about to get married and unavailable. What the heck. Fortunately Al has stepped in to save the day.

All of the seeds are in, except for the pepper seeds that we will get from the super market the next time we buy our peppers. A lot of the slower seeds have been started - the snake gourds, the luffa, the okra, and so on. Some of the seeds wont go in until we get back and get the garden planted, but the ones that have been started are in such a fragile place. i would hate to see them not make it. Perhaps this is God helping me to work on my control issues. Things will work out as they are meant to when left in God's hands in faith. But now there are so many more mouths to feed. . .

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