Today was just a rush of emotions as it seems many days are recently. Good, bad and a blur of everything in between. i have always been a bit skeptical about spiritual warfare things. . .frankly many have turned it into a fantasy scape goat and blame it for a whole host of problems that could probably be better blamed on other things (or people).
i was pooped when i got home this morning, but we needed to weed in order to find the corn. Too many weekends filled with other distractions are exactly what weeds like. . . that and all of the rain. i opted to sleep first and weed later. When i got up, i dilly dallied a bit, but finally made it outside with Jacob. We barely got to the end of the row to start weeding when the heavens opened up and the lightening came down all around us, so we opted to go back in. The woods behind the house were struck. . .again. Tomorrow maybe we will try and find the tree that was hit this time. And of course we will weed!!
i was contacted again by an old acquaintance who i also consider to be a friend though we barely know each other. In thinking about it i like the distance but also closeness. She has spent a considerable amount of time in Ireland doing missionary work in spite of a whole host of personal struggles including a pretty heinous illness. But still she trucks along because that is what God would have her do. i am both humbled and inspired by her. Half of the time i can barely keep my focus on God long enough to blink. When i do succeed in finding quality time with God i usually squander it foolishly only to feel a bit depressed about my pathetic state of being and how i have waisted a tremendous amount of time.
i see needs in the world and my heart breaks (pretty regularly), and yet i can not distinguish between faith and irresponsibility. That is where i think i am caught in some crazy spiritual vortex. Isn't there something about a man tossed about like a wave in the sea. . .
There's no question that that's you speaking. It has been a long long time and I don't know what you're up to.
I got married two years ago and came to Maine as the last leg of my cross country trip. We went to a wedding in Bar Harbor and I knew that you were there somewhere in Maine. I was sad that I couldn't find a proper way to contact you. Anyways, I'd love it if you could write back!
I was just thinking of you because Doug Keehn and I are friends on Facebook. Doug is going backpacking all over the place in CA. This elicits thoughts of you. I hope that you and your family are well. The last time we talked Amy was sick. This is totally foggy to me, so I might be wrong.
Please correct me!
Sara from Santa Cruz and Monterey
Since I don't have your e-mail, I'm making another comment. Hope you don't mind. I had a little more time (a study break...working on a Master's in Communication) to check out your blog. Wow. What a cute family. How many kids do you have? The community photo is confusing since I don't know who is who! Glad to see that everyone looks healthy and happy. The gardening is awesome. Living in a rented home in Los Angeles, I have only been able to plant some lettuces and an upside down tomato garden (with eggplant, cilantro and bell peppers on top). Take care!
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