Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Regaining my bearings

So the Hogan's have found a house in Lisbon that they are really keen
on. If the Lord wills it they will be moving into their very own house
here in a month or so. I am sad about it, but it is a good thing.
There are family obligations on both sides that make the transition to
single family life a necessity for the moment, but the conversation

In some ways it is a good thing. I have learned so very much in our
time together . . . one such lesson is my own need for solace. I have
also been really inspired to continue to reduce (our belongings), and
get away from non sustainable, non renewable goods and wares.

As the days usher in autumn I am, as usual, a bit reflective and more
pensive than normal anyway. We will have to see if we can't develop
good habits now while the mood and the season is right so that we are
prepared for the always busy summer season.

A poem from this night:

There is a quiet hollow in the back of my mind.
It is dark save for the lamp whose whispering light
Lights back and forth wandering through the gentle breeze
A chair padded and comfy grows up from the moss
And a maple stump serves the butler's part for to rest on it
My books or tea, whatever I may fancy should stay there a while.
Like wood sprites in twinkles flit back and forth
From dewy pool to jagged tree bark
Are whispers and hints of memories
And there I like to sit – in the mist
In the memories and murmurs
In the quiet and the dark and the lamplight
And listen.

1 comment:

renee @ FIMBY said...

I'm ready to concede autumn is arriving. I also am more pensive, reflective and planning... always planning. Love this poem Myke...