Thursday, August 28, 2008

Our broke down palace. . .

There is something funny in the air. i have never found myself in the middle of so many predicaments and unfinished projects in my whole life.

The good news is that the roof is one step closer to completion. The outside plumbing is all but finished. The new chicken coop is framed and the roof and floor are started. . . The bad news. . . the roof isn't quite finished, i am still fumbling with outdoor plumbing that should have been finished in May, and the chicken coop should have been finished by early July. The bathroom ceiling which desperately needs to be replace hasn't even been started, the garden is all but hopeless and we took the car (yes the car with less than 17,000 miles on it) in for an oil change and it turns out that it has a bad O2 censer ($375.00) and supposedly has a leaking head gasket. The mechanic says they both need to be replaced (approx $2,000). Life insurance is due, and property taxes are just about upon us. . . . i have never been happier! (Can anyone smell the sarcasm).
i officially hate economics, money and all that governs it.

Ok, but in spite of it all bear season started Monday, and archery season starts next Saturday!!!
That and apple season is here!!!!!!

Speaking of here. Here are some photos from our roofing project . . .

Random Snake gourds growing in the garden. . .

Well, someone had to supervise!

Chuck masterfully engineering the flashing for the crumbly rock monotlith
Subliminal Shroom Shot!!!!!!

The master. . . and his master apprentice!

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