Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Mud in our yard and my toes wanna touch it!

The yard is back!
Well, mostly. i can see most all of the garden, and its time to start the seeds of those yummy things that take way too long to grow in Maine. Yummy things like musk mellons, luffa, and the like for whatever reason have seen fit to take too long to grow way up here near the arctic circle. But fear not. . . we will make them grow!
In the meantime the turkeys and ducks are on the way. This is all very exciting because the improved paddock isn't done yet, the baby chickens are still in the house (where the baby turkeys need to go) and we are going to leave for a week to go to Bellvale two week after the turkeys arrive. What the heck?!?!
Already losing my shoes! i love spring!!!!

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